Saturday, July 03, 2010
Lawmakers Seek Funds For Conference

Leading state lawmakers have asked private businesses and lobbyists for donations to help fund an upcoming four-day gathering of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Louisville which begins on July 25th. If their $1.5 million goal falls short, the legislative branch of government might have to come up with the remaining money, but Bobby Sherman, executive director of the Legislative Research Commission, says it will come from built-up agency funds, not General Fund dollars. The total cost of the conference is $3.5 million, with the host state or committee typically raising between $1 million and $1.5 million to offset the costs of the convention center, transportation and other guest programs. The city of Louisville is picking up some of the tab and helping with fund-raising. The conference includes keynote speaker former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a private waterfront concert by Wynonna Judd, Loretta Lynn and Patty Loveless, and a host of educational programs for legislative staff and elected officials.