Saturday, July 10, 2010
Kentucky Announces Furloughs

Kentucky has become the latest state to impose mandatory unpaid days off for government workers. Personnel Secretary Nikki Jackson has sent letters to state workers saying the six furlough days, which will save about $24 million, have been instituted in a way intended to minimize the impact on government services. Jackson said the furlough plan will prevent 413 state employees from being laid off. Jackson said both hourly and management employees will be furloughed, including Governor Steve Beshear and his top executives. Beshear and his senior staff have already taken voluntary 10 percent pay reductions to help balance the budget. Under the Kentucky plan, all state offices will be closed the Friday before Labor Day weekend, the Friday after Veterans Day and the Friday leading into the Memorial Day weekend. In addition, state workers will be furloughed one day in each of three months... October, March and June. Jackson says furloughs are certainly preferable to mass layoffs, something other states are expecting.