Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Intervention Sought In American Water Request

Huntington-based Steel of West Virginia and the Utility Workers Union of America have filed separate requests asking the state Public Service Commission to allow them to intervene in the latest rate case for West Virginia American Water Company. In June, American Water filed a request seeking a 15 percent rate increase, saying the money would provide $18.3 million for repairs, installations and upgrades. Steel of West Virginia says raising rates by 15.8 percent would have a potentially significant adverse impact on its Huntington plant and similar companies. Utility Workers Union of America Local 537, which represents more than 60 WVAWC workers, says it wants to provide an understanding to the PSC to the extent to which rate relief should be focused on meeting the needs of the Company's workforce and American water's customers. The state Consumer Advocate will also intervene in the case. American Water's direct testimony supporting the rate hike request is due next Monday, August 2nd.