Friday, June 18, 2010
PRIDE Recycling Grant

Recycling is even more convenient in Pike County now, thanks to a new community recycling center at Runyon Elementary School. The school used a $4,000 PRIDE grant to launch the project. The public is invited to drop off aluminum cans, cardboard, newspaper and plastic at the recycling building in the school parking lot, which is located at 24 Runyon Branch Road in Pinsonfork. The facility will be open year-round. The Pike County Solid Waste Office will pick up the materials each week. PRIDE, a nonprofit organization, promotes "Personal Responsibility In a Desirable Environment" in 38 counties of southern and eastern Kentucky. PRIDE was founded in 1997 by Congressman Hal Rogers and Kentucky Environmental Secretary James Bickford, and it is funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.