Saturday, June 19, 2010
Gov. Manchin Signs Drug Bills

Prescription drug abuse…never has it been such a problem…and getting worse. Drugs like Oxycodone and Hydrocodone are called controlled substances and your neighborhood pharmacist will tell you the abuse is way out of control. One pharmacist said, "I'm filling more prescription for controlled substances than I do for blood pressure medicine." Governor Joe Manchin signed four bills into law to address the prescription pill problem. One of the bills requires doctors to write prescriptions on official tamper-proof paper. Another law increases the penalty for people who lie to get prescriptions. There is also a measure requiring pharmacies to use an online database to better track who's getting these drugs and how often and one requiring medical professionals to report the loss of any controlled substances to the pharmacy board. Governor Manchin said, "We're fighting a war on drugs all over the state. These four bills will help." A few pharmacists said the new laws will create more red tape and it may take longer to fill prescriptions. The signings took place in conjunction with the first National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators meeting at the University of Charleston. The N.A.D.D.I. is an non-profit agency that fosters cooperation between law enforcement and the medical community to better handle the illegal use of controlled substances.