Monday, June 14, 2010
Florence Baptist Church Faces Liens

Florence Baptist Church at Mount Zion has been besieged by more than $1 million in liens from tradespeople who claim they were not paid for their work on the megachurch that features a soaring steeple and stained-glass window visible from Interstate 71/75. Nine subcontractors have filed $1.18 million in liens against the church, according to the Boone County Clerk's Office. Some of the subcontractors are also seeking to foreclose on the church in order to collect on bills they say general contractor Kodiak Constructors of Charlotte, N.C., has not paid. Pastor Tim Alexander said he hadn't told the entire congregation of the liens on the 1,400-seat worship center, which is due to house the 2011 Kentucky Baptist Convention. Some liens date back to at least October, only seven months after the building opened.