Saturday, June 26, 2010
Federal Spending Bill Could Affect Kentucky

Gov. Steve Beshear says the state could come up nearly $240 million short early next year if a federal spending bill defeated by a Senate Republican filibuster doesn't pass. The spending measure defeated in Washington on Thursday includes a new round of aid to states. Beshear said Kentucky is relying on the spending measure for a six-month extension of a higher federal Medicaid match that is to last until year's end. Medicaid is the state-federal health insurance program that covers about 790,000 low-income and disabled Kentuckians. Beshear said that having to re-balance the budget to offset the loss of nearly $240 million would be a "horrendous" task. He said virtually every state program would face significant reductions. The $17.3 billion, two-year budget that takes effect Thursday already included broad spending cuts.