Friday, April 02, 2010


Rutherford Wants Equal Treatment For Pike County

Just days after President Barack Obama declared 15 counties in West Virginia a federal disaster as a result of the December 2009 snowstorm, Pike County officials have requested the same be done for eastern Kentucky. Pike County Judge-Executive Wayne T. Rutherford sent a letter to Kentucky’s Senators and Congressmen, as well as Gov. Beshear – who toured Pike and Letcher Counties following the storm – asking their assistance in getting the same declaration for Pike and all eastern Kentucky counties who suffered through the storm. “What is fair for West Virginia is fair for us,” Rutherford stated in the letter. “The federal government should treat us the same as it does West Virginia. Their snow was the snow we got. Theirs was no deeper, no heavier and no more damaging than ours; it was the same snow. We need assistance just as they do.” The federal government cited the causes for the disaster declaration as thousands of power outages and immense snow removal costs along with coordinated public safety measures. All of which are true for Pike and other eastern Kentucky counties as well. A copy of the letter was also sent to Gen. John W. Heltzel of Kentucky Emergency Management.

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