Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Mongiardo Attends Rally

Lt. Governor Dan Mongiardo, who was the only Democratic U.S. Senate candidate at the rally in front of Senator Jim Bunning's Lexington offices Tuesday, insisted that the event was not part of his campaign. “This is not about politics,” he proclaimed. “It’s about standing up for the unemployed of Kentucky right now.” David Adams, Rand Paul’s campaign manager, said the Bowling Green eye surgeon couldn’t attend the event because he was in surgery. Republican candidate Bill Johnson also appeared, saying “At some point, we have to stop deficit spending,” while adding he thought two years of unemployment benefits was too much. Two other candidates, Republican Trey Grayson and Democrat Jack Conway, did not appear at Bunning's office, but expressed their sentiments down party lines. Grayson has supported Bunning’s stance, while Conway called on Bunning to end the stalemate.

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