Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Doctor's License Revoked After Harlan County Conviction
Dr. Visu Vilvarajah (vil-va-rah'-zhah), a Tennessee doctor who was convicted of illegally writing prescription painkillers for about 350 people in Harlan County has had his medical license revoked by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners. Vilvarajah, an anesthesiologist who ran a pain clinic in Nashville, was arrested last year along with his ex-wife, Dr. Mireille Lalanne. A criminal defense attorney testifying before the state board Wedneday suggested Dr. Vilvarajah pleaded guilty because he felt he couldn't get a fair trial in Harlan County. Lalanne was placed on five years probation.
Dr. Visu Vilvarajah (vil-va-rah'-zhah), a Tennessee doctor who was convicted of illegally writing prescription painkillers for about 350 people in Harlan County has had his medical license revoked by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners. Vilvarajah, an anesthesiologist who ran a pain clinic in Nashville, was arrested last year along with his ex-wife, Dr. Mireille Lalanne. A criminal defense attorney testifying before the state board Wedneday suggested Dr. Vilvarajah pleaded guilty because he felt he couldn't get a fair trial in Harlan County. Lalanne was placed on five years probation.