Friday, February 05, 2010
West Virginia Parkways Plans Improvements
The West Virginia Parkways Authority says snow removal could greatly add up, creating an expense as much as a million dollars over budget. The authority has used more than 22,000 tons of salt along the West Virginia Turnpike, spending $1.6 million on salt when the budget only called for $1.2 million this winter. To prevent massive backups the state is currently installing new emergency gates. During a meeting Thursday, the board approved a project to widen the shoulders near the gates to allow truck drivers to turn their trucks around when the highway is closed...a project they hope to complete by May. Other improvements include adding more closed circuit cameras, updating message boards, updating and improving detour maps, eliminating dead cell service areas and buying five new State Police cruisers for turnpike.
The West Virginia Parkways Authority says snow removal could greatly add up, creating an expense as much as a million dollars over budget. The authority has used more than 22,000 tons of salt along the West Virginia Turnpike, spending $1.6 million on salt when the budget only called for $1.2 million this winter. To prevent massive backups the state is currently installing new emergency gates. During a meeting Thursday, the board approved a project to widen the shoulders near the gates to allow truck drivers to turn their trucks around when the highway is closed...a project they hope to complete by May. Other improvements include adding more closed circuit cameras, updating message boards, updating and improving detour maps, eliminating dead cell service areas and buying five new State Police cruisers for turnpike.