Thursday, February 18, 2010


Legislators Propose Fewer School Days

Education advocates are angered by a plan to approach Kentucky's budget shortfall. Democratic House leaders have proposed cutting two school days and trimming spending at many state agencies, including public universities, by 2% as a way of balancing the state budget over the next two fiscal years. The plan calls for no new tax raises, and would exclude several key areas, including Medicaid, the main funding formula for K-12 education, the Department of Corrections and the Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities. Universities would reduce spending by about $40 million. House Speaker Greg Stumbo (D-Prestonsburg) proposes saving $150 million by changing the state’s health insurance program and $68 million over two years by chopping two days from the state’s school year, reducing it to 175 days of instruction. The plan calls for the state to collect about $35 million in excess school funding that Beshear had proposed to let school districts use to offset other previous budget cuts.

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