Tuesday, February 23, 2010
House Proposes Appointee Cuts
To help balance the budget, House leaders plan to cut 125 political aappointees. The move would save about $5 million a year. The House estimates there are 3,417 full-time political appointees, called non-merit workers, in the executive branch, but Governor Steve Beshear's office says there are just 826. Beshear's staff says there are more non-merit employees in the state system but the remaining non-merit employees are typically not full-time. Representative Jeff Hoover (R-Jamestown), who sponsored House Bill 387, says the bill might provide a clearer picture how many employees the state has and where to cut. Hoover says he expects the House State Government Committee to hear the bill this week.
To help balance the budget, House leaders plan to cut 125 political aappointees. The move would save about $5 million a year. The House estimates there are 3,417 full-time political appointees, called non-merit workers, in the executive branch, but Governor Steve Beshear's office says there are just 826. Beshear's staff says there are more non-merit employees in the state system but the remaining non-merit employees are typically not full-time. Representative Jeff Hoover (R-Jamestown), who sponsored House Bill 387, says the bill might provide a clearer picture how many employees the state has and where to cut. Hoover says he expects the House State Government Committee to hear the bill this week.