Sunday, February 28, 2010


Governor Beshear Urges Senator Bunning to Change Position On Jobless Benefits

In a letter regarding an extension of unemployment benefits, Gov. Steve Beshear has urged Senator Jim Bunning to allow passage of H.R. 4691, a vital extension of unemployment benefits to 1.2 million Americans. Kentucky currently has an unemployment rate of 10.7 percent, and 119,230 Kentuckians are currently receiving benefits through the federal extension program. Without a further extension, 14,206 claimants will exhaust all extension benefits within two weeks. By the end of March, a total of 22,797 will exhaust their benefits; by mid-April, 31,521 will exhaust their benefits; and, by July 31, the remainder of those receiving extension benefits will exhaust them. Beyond the number of those receiving extension benefits, another 90,000 Kentuckians currently on unemployment insurance will not be eligible for the federal extension program at all. Governor Beshear went on to say, “I urge you to reverse your position on this bill and would welcome any opportunity to provide you with further information on its tremendous necessity.”

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