Monday, January 25, 2010
UMG CEO Testifies In Lawson/Nighbert Trial
Utility Management Group chief executive Archie Marr testified Monday as the trial for Leonard Lawson and Bill Nighbert continued. The government alleges Lawson rewarded Nighbert, after he left state government in December 2007, with a fake consulting job at Utility Management Group. Nighbert was scheduled to start in January 2008 as a consultant with the company, Utility Management Group. At the same time he took a $70,000-a-year job on the staff of state Senate President David Williams. From January through March, UMG sent Nighbert three paychecks for $10,417 each, made out to a fictional company, "Two Bucks LLC." The FBI says Nighbert neither cashed nor returned those checks. CEO Archie Marr testified Nighbert apparently decided at the last minute, without telling him, he had decided to wait until later in the year to join UMG, and checks were sent by mistake.
Utility Management Group chief executive Archie Marr testified Monday as the trial for Leonard Lawson and Bill Nighbert continued. The government alleges Lawson rewarded Nighbert, after he left state government in December 2007, with a fake consulting job at Utility Management Group. Nighbert was scheduled to start in January 2008 as a consultant with the company, Utility Management Group. At the same time he took a $70,000-a-year job on the staff of state Senate President David Williams. From January through March, UMG sent Nighbert three paychecks for $10,417 each, made out to a fictional company, "Two Bucks LLC." The FBI says Nighbert neither cashed nor returned those checks. CEO Archie Marr testified Nighbert apparently decided at the last minute, without telling him, he had decided to wait until later in the year to join UMG, and checks were sent by mistake.