Saturday, January 02, 2010


Mine Deaths Down In Kentucky

The number of miners killed on the job in the United States fell for a second straight year to 34, the fewest since officials began keeping records nearly a century ago. U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration documents show 18 of the deaths occurred in coal mines and 16 were in gold, copper and other types of mines. Most involved above ground truck accidents on mine property, though some of the deaths resulted from rock falls and being struck by machinery. The deadliest year in recorded U.S. coal mining history was 1907, when 3,242 deaths were reported. That year, the nation’s most deadly mine explosion killed 358 people in West Virginia. Steve Earle, United Mine Workers of America international vice president for the Midwest, said getting inspectors into the field is the key. In 2006, five miners died in an explosion at the Darby Mine in Kentucky.

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