Friday, January 08, 2010


Ky. Focuses On Education

The Kentucky Board of Education, the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education and the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board have scheduled a rare joint meeting for February 10th in Versailles. The purpose is to officially adopt new common core-content standards for math and English in grades K-12. The standards focus on fewer concepts while stressing deeper learning and understanding. The standards are part of an overall drive to better prepare Kentucky's students for college or careers. Kentucky expects to become the first state in the nation to officially adopt new common core-content standards.

Under a proposal approved Thursday by the state House Education Committee, state officials would have several new options, including school closure, to deal with persistently low-achieving schools. State Education Commissioner Terry Holliday says House Bill 176 is essential to Kentucky's application for federal Race to the Top funding, which must be filed by January 19th.

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