Saturday, January 09, 2010


Domestic Violence Bill Considered

Under a bill filed this week in the General Assembly in an effort to strengthen Kentucky's domestic violence laws, state law would allow judges to prohibit possession of firearms by the accused while a domestic violence order is in effect. Present federal law prohibits someone who has a protective order against them from having a weapon, but that law doesn't require courts or law enforcement to confiscate a gun or other weapon. Under House Bill 205, Kentucky sheriffs would be required to collect the guns of people with domestic violence orders against them or those under domestic violence orders could transfer firearms to another person prior to the order being issued. The measure is facing opposition from gun-ownership proponents. House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, who introduced the Amanda Bill, says he has some concerns about the bill because taking away a gun may violate someone's Second Amendment right to bear arms. Other proposed bills under consideration would allow dating couples to get domestic violence orders, require counseling for people convicted of domestic violence and make the act of strangulation a felony.

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