Sunday, December 13, 2009


Report Shows Ky. Child Abuse Deaths

A report issued by the Every Child Matters Education Fund, a Washington child-advocacy group, reveals, during the past decade, nearly 270 Kentucky children died of abuse or neglect, more than half of which state officials already knew or suspected problems, but, in some, child-protection officials, day-care workers, and parents, friends and relatives missed signs of abuse. The report found that during one 12-month period in 2007, 41 children died, the highest rate of any state. Social workers say they don't have time to fully investigate cases or to follow up with families nor money to provide in-home assistance, drug testing and treatment some families need. Since 2008, the state has cut $51 million from programs such as child protection. Child-abuse experts say the true picture may be even worse because as many as half of the deaths may be classified as accidental or from natural causes.

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