Monday, December 07, 2009


Lawmakers React To EPA Announcement

Representative Harold "Hal" Rogers (R-Somerset) says the Environmental Protection Agency’s declaration Monday that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions endanger the public’s health could prove devastating to Kentucky’s coal industry by telling coal-burning utilities how much, or little, coal can be burned.” David Gooch, president of Coal Operators & Associates Inc. in Pikeville, says the coal industry suffers when overly stringent environmental regulations are put in place. He says high-sulfur western Kentucky and northern West Virginia mines “saw tremendous downturn” after 1990 crackdowns on sulfur dioxide emissions, and those mines were only able to resume business after they got contracts with power plants that installed sulfur scrubbers. “Who wants to sit unemployed for 15 years again?” Gooch said. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says, “With double-digit unemployment and over 3.5 million jobs already lost this year, the administration inexplicably continues to push for a job-killing national energy tax — either through legislation or regulation.”

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