Wednesday, January 07, 2009


State Senator Johnny Ray Turner Assigned To Committees.

FRANKFORT - Senator Johnny Ray Turner, D-Drift, said today that the Senate committees he will be serving on for the next two years will enable him to advocate for the 29th district.
Senator Turner has been assigned to the Natural Resources and Energy Committee and will continue to serve on the Senate’s Committee on Committees; State and Local Government; Education, and Rules committees.
“These committees handle bills and investigate issues that are very important to our area and give me the opportunity to weigh in on issues that are significant to my district,” said Senator Turner, who represents Breathitt, Floyd, Knott and Letcher counties. “I look forward to serving on all of my committees and value the impact I can make through work on individual committees such as Education and Natural Resources and Energy where I can be a strong voice for education and the coal industry."
Senator Turner, who also serves as Senate Minority Caucus Chair, said he will continue to work for the people of his district.
“Through my work in Frankfort, I will be a proponent for any legislation that is in the best interests of my district and all of Kentucky,” he said. “I am ready to hit the ground running this session.”
The Senate committee appointments were announced during the organizational meeting of the 2009 Legislative Session, which convened Jan. 6 and runs through Friday in Frankfort. The legislature will reconvene Feb. 3.
“This is a short session, but it could include some very important legislation. I encourage the citizens of my district to keep in touch with me. Their input will be important as I make decisions that could influence new laws,” said Senator Turner.

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