Monday, December 08, 2008


Kentucky Lieutenant Govrernor Participated In RAM Clinic

This Saturday, Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo joined with other physicians, nurses, dentists and optometrists from across the Commonwealth and country to offer free medical care to some of Kentucky’s most disadvantaged at the RAM (Remote Area Medical) Clinic in Knott County.
“As a practicing physician in neighboring Perry County, I see day in and day out the health struggles of those in our rural Kentucky communities. This is not only due to lack of access but the increasing cost of healthcare, which has risen exponentially in recent years,” said Lieutenant Governor Daniel Mongiardo. “The RAM Clinic offers an invaluable resource for so many in the region who otherwise would have limited options for both prevention and treatment of illness.”
The RAM Clinic is a non-profit organization that offers free medical services to some of the United States’ most underserved communities as well as remote reaches of countries around the globe. Founded in 1985, the program seeks to provide medical attention and assistance as well as the chance to teach technical skills and provide educational resources for areas in need. All medical professionals and those involved with the program work on a strictly voluntary basis in each of the communities served.
“As the holiday season approaches so does the spirit of giving. December 6th and 7th marked the second visit of Remote Area Medical to Kentucky this year and one of the first nationwide to have an elected official such as Lieutenant Governor Mongiardo providing services to patients," said Julie Haynes, coordinator for the RAM Clinic in Knott County. “The first Kentucky expedition was in Pike County in June 2008, where more than 600 patients were provided services in a 1 ½ day event. Our Knott County expedition was scheduled on short notice due to a Knoxville clinic cancellation. People drove from miles around to seek the services provided, with dental and vision services attracting the most patients.”
60% of outreach efforts to date have been in rural regions of the United States, with new programs constantly expanding to diversify the locations of communities served. For more information about the RAM program or to become involved, visit

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