Thursday, August 28, 2008


Pike County New CTL Member

Pike County has become the newest member of the Coal-to-Liquids Coalition (CTLC), an organization comprised of coal producers, technology developers, labor unions and consumer groups.

“In the future we will be testifying before Congress as we move towards solving the transportation fuel crisis in America, and this organization will give us a stronger base, in that they are located in Washington, D.C.,” said Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford.

“The CTLC is committed to working with Congress and the federal government to accelerate the creation of a new domestic transportation fuels industry that uses coal—America’s most abundant and affordable energy resource,” said Corey Henry, Vice President of Industry Communications for the National Mining Association.

CTLC members include the Southern States Energy Board, the National Mining Association, the AFL-CIO Industrial Union Council, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and many other organizations who have banded together to promote CTL fuels not only as a vital tool for reducing America’s growing dependence on expensive foreign oil, but also as a means for creating tens of thousands of new jobs across the country.

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