Thursday, July 03, 2008


Unemployment Benefits Extended In Kentucky For Thirteen Weeks

Kentuckians who have filed their unemployment insurance claim on or after May 7, 2006 and have exhausted those benefits and are currently unemployed may be eligible for up to 13 weeks of extended benefits, according to the Kentucky Office of Employment and Training, an agency in the Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet.
More than 36,000 Kentuckians may be eligible for the additional unemployment benefits, said Division of Unemployment Insurance Director Tony DeName. Individuals who are potentially eligible for the federally funded extended benefits program will be notified by mail.
The weekly benefit amount for extended benefits will be the same as the person received for regular unemployment compensation during the original 26-week period. The maximum amount of benefits is $415 a week and depends on the person’s prior earnings. Potential candidates may apply until March 22, 2009.
“Governor Beshear signed the agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor on July 1, 2008. Kentucky was one of the first states in the nation to return the agreement to Washington. The program is effective with the week beginning July 6, 2008. You may file your claim for benefits on line at beginning Wednesday July 9, 2008, or you may use the call center 859-547-3362 to file. However, this is not at toll-free call,” said DeName.
OET helps individuals prepare for, secure, and maintain employment; assists employers in locating and selecting the best qualified workers for their job openings; and provides income maintenance to ease the financial burden on individuals who are out of work through no fault of their own.
The Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet coordinates learning programs from P-16, and manages and supports training and employment functions in the Department for Workforce Investment. For more information about our programs, visit or, or call 502-564-6606.

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