Sunday, June 01, 2008


West Virginia Senate Majority Leader Requesting Governor To Freeze State Gas tax.

West Virginia’s Senate Majority Leader H Truman Chafin says that motorists in West Virginia are feeling the pinch of rising fuel costs.

Chafin says that he’ll present a letter to Governor Joe Manchin requesting him to freeze the state gas tax .

Chafin says that action needs to be taken now to ease the burden on state residents.

The Mingo County Democrat says that commercial truck drivers are the ones that are really suffering. Several truckers have parked there trucks in recent weeks due to the increase cost of diesel.

The price for regular unleaded in Mingo and Logan counties range from $ 3.99 to $ 4.18 per gallon.

The price for diesel is anywhere from $ 4.79 to $ 4.90 per gallon.

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