Monday, June 09, 2008


Tug Valley Shrine Club To Conduct Another Fundraiser.

Grant Preece a member of the Tug Valley Shrine Club says that preliminary figures indicate that the organization took in around $ 1,500 during the annual car, truck and motorcycle show that took place this past Saturday.

Preece says that approximately 80 people entered. Preece added that is down by about 30 to 40 entries. With tempuratures over the weekend in the mid to upper 90's organizers say that heat was a factor.

The TVSC will conduct a Poker Run on Saturday, June 21st at the South Side Mall. Registration is from 10 a.m until noon. Cost is $ 10 for the driver and $ 5 for the passenger. The first 40 bikes entered will receive a free event t-shirt.

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