Monday, March 03, 2008


Rutherford Sees Tranportation To Pike's Energy Policy

Pike County Judge/Executive Wayne T. Rutherford spoke as a guest during Big Sandy Area Development District’s transportation meeting Friday, Feb. 29, noting the important role transportation would play in seeing an energy policy fully developed for Pike County.

“We have to be connected to the rest of America,” Rutherford told those in attendance. “And, among other options, we’re doing that with proposals for air service in hand right now.”

Pike recently received a proposal from the Florida-based company Air Azul that could soon see commercial flights leaving from the Pikeville/Pike County Airport.

Such transportation options are vital to the core concept of an energy policy aimed at enriching eastern Kentucky, Rutherford said.

“We’re blessed here in eastern Kentucky to be the Middle East of America,” he said. “Coal’s not everywhere, and if you took our coal and turned it into liquid, you’d have more barrels than we have in the Middle East.”
Rutherford gave the BSADD’s Transportation Committee an overview of Pike’s energy policy and focused on future

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