Monday, February 25, 2008


Kentucky Highway Weekly Fatality Report

Preliminary statistics* indicate that ten people died in nine separate crashes on Kentucky’s roadways from Monday, Feb. 18 through Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008.

Nine of the fatalities were traveling in motor vehicles and two of those victims were not wearing seat belts. One of the fatalities involved a pedestrian and one was a result of the suspected use of alcohol.

One double-fatality crash occurred in Laurel County on Kentucky 80 East. Single fatality crashes occurred in Butler, Christian, Grant, Jefferson, Leslie, Ohio, Warren, and Washington counties.

Through Feb. 24, preliminary statistics* indicate that 97 people have lost their lives on Kentucky roadways during 2008. That is three less than reported for this time period in 2007. Of the 84 motor vehicle fatalities, 60 victims were not wearing seat belts. There have been 4 motorcycle fatalities and two of those were not wearing helmets. A total of 21 fatalities have resulted from crashes involving the suspected use of alcohol. Nine fatalities have been pedestrians.

Courtesy : Kentucky State Police

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