Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Career Education Bill Heads To Kentucky Senate Floor.

A comprehensive effort to engage disinterested students in their education will be heard by the full Senate after passing a committee vote unanimously.

Senate Bill 32, sponsored by Sen. Jack Westwood, R-Crescent Spring, is focused on career and technical education. "These aren't dumb kids or slow kids. They're just bored," said Westwood of students who drop out because the curriculum doesn't seem relevant to their goals.

SB 32 would create a grant fund to help eligible schools create and expand programs for students interested in career and technical education programs, with donors receiving a tax credit. A separate fund would help pay for career guidance coaches to focus exclusively on students on a career path. A third fund would be aimed at broad-themed "career academies" that tailor their curriculum to a career area such as health sciences, engineering, or agribusiness, while a fourth would be used to build career and technical school facilities.

The bill had originally passed the Senate Education Committee, but was referred to Appropriations and Revenue after concerns were raised about its financial feasibility in tight budget times.

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