Sunday, January 13, 2008


Pikeville City Commission Meeting Monday Evening.

Pikeville City Commissioners will meet in regular session Monday evening at 6pm.

Here are some items on the agenda:

Thompson Rd update

Consider a request to hire a police officer

Consider a request to apply for a grant in the amount of $ 59,250 with a 25 percent city match for soccer field turf

Consider a request to reappoint Donovan Blackburn and John Cole to Hillbilly Days Board

Consider a request to reappoint Jack Sykes and appoint Tivis Branham to a 4 year term on the Historic Preservation Board.

Consider request on final reading of an ordinance to lower the property tax rate from 17.5 cents to 15 cents per $100.00 assessed.

Consider request on final reading of an ordinance amending city occupational tax.

Amending the 2007-08 budget

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