Tuesday, January 29, 2008


19 File For Political Office In Mingo County.

According to the office of the Mingo County Clerk, a total of 19 candidates filed for the six county offices and the non-partisan Board of Education race.

All candidates filed on the Democrat ticket.

No-Partisan board of Education ( two selections)

Incumbent , Bill Duty

William Kirk

Larry Todd Hamrick

Circuit Court Judge

Incumbent , Mike Thornsbury

Robert Carleton

Magistrate Court Judge ( Three Selections)

Incumbent , Dee Sidebottom

Incumbent , Eugene Crum

Incumbent , Pam Newsome

Jason Varney


Incumbent, Ramona Mahon

Former county commissioner, Halcy Hatfield

Family Court Judge

Della Cline Gentile

Miki Thompson

County Commissioner

Incumbent , Greg “ Hootie” Smith

Jim Harvey

Prosecuting Attorney

Michael Sparks


Incumbent, Lonnie Hannah

Fmr two term sheriff, Tennis H. Hatfield

John H. Maynard

Freddie Hall.

The Primary Election will be held May 13th.

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