Thursday, November 08, 2007


Different Alternatives to Improve ByPass Road.

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet is putting together a study to evaluate alleviating the impact of rock falls on ByPass Road from the Chloe Creek Road intersection to the Ferguson Creek Intersection and to improve traffic flow at the Chloe Creek Road intersection and Summitt Drive.

The purpose of the meeting was to present preliminary findings and gather input on a solution.

The following is a list of different ideas and the cost.

Rockfall Alternatives

Rockwall Benching - Excavating the rockwall in stair steps back into the hillside. Cost$7.9 million.

Rockfall Barrier - A barrier wall and fence would be placed adjacent to Bypass Road. Cost $1.25 million.

Rockfall Drape - A wire drape would be placed over the high wall. Cost $2.06 million.

Traffic Flow Alternatives

Chloe relocated to opposite Huffman. Summit and school access tie into Chloe opposite one another and east of Bypass. Cost $7.7 million.

Chloe relocated to opposite Huffman. Summit relocated to tie into school acess, which connects to Chloe. Cost $6.6 million.

Chloe reconstructed near existing location. School access ties into Summit, which connects to Chloe. Cost $6.1 million.

Chloe relocated closer to Huffman. Summit relocated to tie into school access, which ties into Chloe. $7.4 million.

Chloe reconstructed near existing location. Summitt relocated to tie into school access which ties into Chloe. $ 7.7 million

Chloe widened along existing alignment. Summit relocated to tie into school access, which ties into Chloe. $ 5.3 million.

Chloe widened along existing alignment. School access relocated to tie into Chloe. $4.1 million

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