Monday, August 13, 2007


Recent Poll Shows Governor Fletcher Trailing.

According to an independent poll conducted by Lexington firm Preston – Osbourne for the Lane Report magazine shows Democratic candidate for governor, Steve Beshear leading Governor Ernie Fletcher by 18pts. 49 percent favor Beshear, 31 percent support Fletcher and 16 percent undecided.

Fifty –one percent of residents say that they opposed expanded gambling, with forty-eight percent in favor of gambling

The poll found that 77 percent of respondents favor offering tax incentives to encourage alternative energy production and 73 percent said they support specific incentives aimed at attracting a coal to fuel plant.

49 percent surveyed said that the governor called the special session was a political ploy, Thirty-eight percent thought that Fletcher did the right thing and that the Democratic controlled House acted inappropriately by not participating.

In other statewide residents

Attorney General : ( D) Jack Conway 27
(R) Stan Lee 17
Undecided 53

Secretary of State : incumbent ® Trey Grayson 33
(D) Bruce Hendrickson 20
Undecided 46

State Auditor : incumbent (D) Crit Luallen 32
® Linda Grenwell 26
Undecided 40

State Treasurer (D) Todd Hollenbach 39
® Melinda Wheeler 19
Undecided 41

The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus four percentage points.

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