Friday, February 09, 2007
Election Officials Push For Change In Presidential Primaries

“All of the southern states would hold primaries on the same day, next moth the Midwest, followed by the western and then the eastern, every four years changing the rotation” Grayson stated. “Our goal is, by having it based in the region that that month that candidates spend in the region would allow them to spend more time with voters so that voters would be able to make a more informed choice.”
This isn’t the first time a reform of Presidential primaries has been proposed but according to Grayson, the proposal put forward by the Secretaries of State this year has received a warm reception. Grayson went on to state that after next years primary, people will be ready for a change in the system.
“As people analyze how this primary process works out, then having our solution out there will provide an alternative” Grayson said. “So were excited and we’ve been getting a lot of news coverage with the announcement at our conference.”