Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Crews Prepare For Expected Snowfall

With three to six inches of snow expected to accumulate over night, crews with the states transportation cabinet have been preparing, getting ready to take to the roads of Highway district 12. EKB News visited the war room of the department of highways earlier this afternoon and spoke with Darold Slone operations branch manager for district 12 who told us about what crews have been doing to prepare for the expected snowfall.
“Beginning yesterday, continuing through this morning we went through all our equipment; checked to see if we needed to make any repairs, we gathered all of our supplies from our garages and we notified all of our crews about their assignments and when to be available for work.”
Slone then detailed what motorists who are experiencing the start of this expected snow fall can do in order to ensure their safety while traveling on the roadways.
“Be aware of vehicles around you, leave extra space for stopping, if you don’t have to be out don’t be out.” Slone said before making an exception for those who must travel this evening. “But if you have to be out, bring a blanket with you, notify someone when you leave and when you reach your destination and just be careful and alert.”
State highway workers are on call 24/7 during severe weather events and have already begun to take to the roads to clear a path through the snow that has already fallen. According to officials with the transportation cabinet, their number one goal is to make roads as safe as possible for every motorist.
“Beginning yesterday, continuing through this morning we went through all our equipment; checked to see if we needed to make any repairs, we gathered all of our supplies from our garages and we notified all of our crews about their assignments and when to be available for work.”
Slone then detailed what motorists who are experiencing the start of this expected snow fall can do in order to ensure their safety while traveling on the roadways.

“Be aware of vehicles around you, leave extra space for stopping, if you don’t have to be out don’t be out.” Slone said before making an exception for those who must travel this evening. “But if you have to be out, bring a blanket with you, notify someone when you leave and when you reach your destination and just be careful and alert.”
State highway workers are on call 24/7 during severe weather events and have already begun to take to the roads to clear a path through the snow that has already fallen. According to officials with the transportation cabinet, their number one goal is to make roads as safe as possible for every motorist.