Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Operation UNITE Conducts Door to Door Investigation

Complaints of possible drug-related activity led law enforcement officials from Operation UNITE to conduct a day-long investigation of residences in the southern portion of Floyd County at the end of November. According to information released by UNITE’s communications office, UNITE knocked on 22 doors, conducted 12 searches and discovered small amounts of drugs from three of the locations in Floyd County. Floyd County communities targeted by police included Weeksbury, Melvin, Wheelwright, Hi Hat, McDowell and Drift. Contacts were also made in the Maytown community in Right Beaver and the Beaver community in Mud Creek. During a ³knock and talk² officers will walk up to the door, identify themselves and let the person know there have been complaints of drug-dealing activity. The value of this operation was to let the citizens of Floyd County know we are actively working in the area and are interested in helping them rid their neighborhoods of drug activity according to UNITE’s deputy law enforcement director Paul Hayes.

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