Thursday, November 09, 2006


List Of Possible Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates

For months democrats have stated that candidates for next years Governors race would begin to emerge after this years midterm. While we may not know officially for months who will make a bid for the governorship of the commonwealth several high profile democrats have spoken on the possibility.
• Attorney General Greg Stumbo said he's writing questions now for a poll to test on how he'd do in a Democratic primary and against Republican Gov. Ernie Fletcher. He has said he will decide whether he is running by Dec. 1.
• Louisville Mayor Jerry Abramson, who won re-election by a margin of more than 2-1 Tuesday, said he's considering it and "will make a decision in the next 10 days or so."
• House Speaker Jody Richards said "people call me about every day" about seeking the office again as he did in 2003.
Throw in others, who have previously expressed interest -- auditor Crit Luallen, former Gov. Brereton Jones, former Lt. Gov. Steve Henry, Louisville businessman Charlie Owen and Lexington attorney Gatewood Galbraith --and it looks like democrats will have a crowded field to choose from come the primary.

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