Tuesday, October 24, 2006
PMC Holds 3rd Annual Fall Fit Classic

A Brisk Jog is always an invigorating activity. You slide out of bed early in the morning… say, around 7:00 am. Put on your favorite pair of running pants or shorts. Then glide down your path breathing in the fresh morning air.
It’s an excellent source of daily exercise and revitalization. And for well over one hundred participants this past weekend, it wasn’t just beneficial to their health, it also went to further a great cause.
Organizers of the annual event, say they’re happy the amount of people who turned out to take part in PMC Fall Fit Classic.

“It started three years ago as a way to get our employees more fit and to reach out to the community and help them” according to Andrea Lehr residency coordinator for Pikeville Medical Center.
Runners had the option of participating on one of two courses; the 10k Run or the Fun Run. But whether you walked, jogged or ran through the city of Pikeville with fall colors at their peak, the true beauty of Saturday morning was the chance to stamp out breast cancer.
“Every year we pick a different organization to give the proceeds to” Lehr said; “and we thought that since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month that we would give all the proceeds from this years race to breast cancer awareness.”